Downtown Dallas, TX

CONSIDER BLESSING OTHERs on Prime day this year

Interested in making any impactful donation this summer to bless the unsheltered guests we serve? Click the prime day photo to the left to shop our Amazon Wish List! 

Homeless person

27 years

Since 1997, Body & Soul has serving fresh, hand-cooked meals and providing essential supplies and clothing, sincere fellowship and uplifting gospel messages to people in downtown Dallas  experiencing homelessness. 

We follow the example our Lord and Savior set for us, and serve those who need the most help. 


We fill a gap on weekends when hot meals and daily personal care needs are scarce the unsheltered.



Body & Soul has proudly partnered with several churches for 27+ years:

For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, 

I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, 

I was a stranger and you invited me in - Matthew 25:35

Equity statement: Body & Soul proclaims the value of each person as a unique child of God, and we commit ourselves to the healing and wholeness of all persons. We value inclusion, diversity, equity, social justice and human rights.